OSFD is a combination department with career and volunteer personnel working together to provide outstanding service to the citizens we protect. If you have a desire to become involved with OSFD as a volunteer, stop by the Fire Department to pick up an application. As a volunteer, you will become an important part of our operational response team and trained to the level of FF1 and EMT-Basic. We also accept entry level EMS or Firefighter volunteers who have current certifications.
To become a volunteer with OSFD you need to be at least 18 years of age, fill out an application and complete 3 "ride alongs" to get to know the inner workings of the department. After that, an oral board interview and physical exam are administered. Once the interview and physical are passed, the applicants are moved forward to a background check and medical examination before obtaining membership. Volunteers are then required to work a minimum of 48 hours a month and attend at least 50% of the weekly training offered to retain membership.
Membership benefits include a monthly stipend based on hours of work and participation. In addition, there are many available training opportunities including FF1 and EMT-Basic certifications.
Contact Assistant Chief Brian Ritter if you are interested in becoming a volunteer, or have any questions regarding the volunteer program at:
585 Point Brown Ave NW
Ocean Shores, WA 98569
(360) 289-3611
Or use the contact form below.